Welcome to CALL !

Hello everybody, I have created this blog in which you will find some samples of work you can do using different tools on the web.

In addition, you are ask to create your own blog and upload your projects. Your blog will be your electronic portfolio for the course.

Don't forget to check the "students" section and become one of the followers of the blog.

Datos personales

jueves, 12 de agosto de 2010

Two different ways of posting a pdf

Dear students, below you will find two posts on the same article, Normalisation of Stephen Bax, I have uploaded them using two different options.
1.- Scribd
2.- page link

When using Scribd, all you have to do is first register, and then upload your pdf file.
For more information about how to manage you blog, go to the "useful links" section on this blog.
And remember if you don't have things done the way you want, try again!!!!Photobucket

Stephen Bax



Read the following article about the vision of the Dr. Bax "Normalisation" of CALL. Write a summary.
 Due date: September 9th, email it before midnigth.