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Hello everybody, I have created this blog in which you will find some samples of work you can do using different tools on the web.

In addition, you are ask to create your own blog and upload your projects. Your blog will be your electronic portfolio for the course.

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sábado, 18 de septiembre de 2010

IAPE experience 2009

Hello guys,
I wanto to share this wonderful tool, you can use it to create albums and share your photos.
It's easy, just register and start uploading your picts.

My IAPE experience 2009 on PhotoPeach

Larry King live with news about our Class!!

By the way class, she said "Tamulipas or Cd Victoria"

viernes, 17 de septiembre de 2010


What Does Diigo Do? wow
Diigo allows you to take personal notes and highlight text information on web pages just as you would on a piece of paper. You can then bookmark and save this information for further review, while adding tags to keep everything organized. In bookmarking this information, you can also choose to share with colleagues and friends to allow them to access the web page, view your notes and highlights, and add their own annotations. All of this information is also saved online and can be accessed by any computer or browser, including cell phones with browsing capabilities.
Join Diigo and start exploring this wonderful tool.  Send the link of your Diigo to my email.

Computer Assisted Language Learning. B.A Applied Linguistics. Facilitator: Natzyelly Gonzalez

domingo, 12 de septiembre de 2010

jueves, 2 de septiembre de 2010

Characteristics of a good summary

A good summary has the following  characteristics:

Proper Citation: The summary begins by citing the title, author, source, and, in

the case of a magazine or journal article, the date of publication and the text.

Thesis Statement: The overall thesis of the text selection is the author’s

central theme. There are several aspects to an effective thesis statement:

- It comprises two parts: a) the topic or general subject matter of the text,

and b) the author’s major assertion, comment, or position on the topic.

- This central theme is summarized clearly and accurately in a onesentence

thesis statement.

- The thesis statement does not contain specific details discussed in the


- The thesis statement is stated at the beginning of the summary.

Supporting Ideas: The author supports his/her thesis with supporting ideas.

Use the following basic guidelines when summarising supporting ideas:

- Cover all of the author’s major supporting ideas.

- Show the relationships among these ideas.

- Omit specifics, such as illustrations, descriptions, and detailed


- Indicate the author’s purpose in writing: to inform, to persuade, or to

entertain. If the passage is a persuasive piece, report the author’s bias or

position on the issue.

- Omit all personal opinions, ideas, and inferences. Let the reader know

that you are reporting the author’s ideas.

Grammar and the Mechanics of Writing: Grammar and related concerns

ensure that, as a writer, you communicate clearly to your reader. The

following are particularly important:

- Restate the ideas in your own words as much as possible. Avoid direct


- Use transitional words for a smooth and logical flow of ideas.

- Edit and re-write your work.

- Check your grammar, punctuation, and spelling

Length: The length of a summary depends on how long the original document is.

Steps in Writing a Summary: Initially, summary writing can seem like a

challenging task. It requires careful reading and reflective thinking about the

article. Most of us, however, tend to skim read without focused reflection, but

with time and effort, the steps listed here can help you become an effective

summary writer.

Read the article

Reread the Article.

- Divide the article into segments or sections of ideas. Each segment deals

with one aspect of the central theme. A segment can comprise one or

more paragraphs. Note: news magazine articles tend to begin with an

anecdote. This is the writer’s lead into the article, but does not contain the

thesis or supporting ideas. Typically, a feature lead does not constitute a

segment of thought.

- Label each segment. Use a general phrase that captures the subject

matter of the segment. Write the label in the margin next to the segment.

- Highlight or underline the main points and key phrases.

Write One-Sentence summaries.

- Write a one-sentence summary for each segment of thought on a separate

sheet of paper.

Formulate the Thesis Statement.

- Formulate a central theme that weaves the one-sentence segmentsummaries

together. This is your thesis statement.

- In many articles, the author will state this directly. You may wish to take

his direct statement of the thesis and restate it in your own words. Note:

In news magazine articles, the thesis is often suggested through the

article’s title and sub-title.

- In other articles, you may have to write your own one-sentence thesis

statement that summarizes this central theme.

Write Your First Draft.

- Begin with a proper citation of the title, author, source, and date of

publication of the article summarised.

- Combine the thesis statement and your one-sentence segment summaries

into a one-to-two-paragraph summary.

- Eliminate all unnecessary words and repetitions.

- Eliminate all personal ideas and inferences.

- Use transitions for a smooth and logical flow of ideas.

- Conclude with a “summing up” sentence by stating what can be learned

from reading the article.

Edit Your Draft. Check your summary by asking the following questions:

- Have I answered the who, what, when, why, and how questions?

- Is my grammar, punctuation, and spelling correct?

- Have I left out my personal views and ideas?

- Does my summary “hang together”? Does it flow when I read it aloud?

- Have someone else read it. Does the summary give them the central

ideas of the article?

Write One-Sentence summaries.

- Write a one-sentence summary for each segment of thought on a separate

sheet of paper.

►Formulate the Thesis Statement.

- Formulate a central theme that weaves the one-sentence segmentsummaries

together. This is your thesis statement.

- In many articles, the author will state this directly. You may wish to take

his direct statement of the thesis and restate it in your own words. Note:

In news magazine articles, the thesis is often suggested through the

article’s title and sub-title.

- In other articles, you may have to write your own one-sentence thesis

statement that summarizes this central theme.

Write Your First Draft.

- Begin with a proper citation of the title, author, source, and date of

publication of the article summarised.

- Combine the thesis statement and your one-sentence segment summaries

into a one-to-two-paragraph summary.

- Eliminate all unnecessary words and repetitions.

- Eliminate all personal ideas and inferences.

- Use transitions for a smooth and logical flow of ideas.

- Conclude with a “summing up” sentence by stating what can be learned

from reading the article.

Edit Your Draft. Check your summary by asking the following questions:

- Have I answered the who, what, when, why, and how questions?

- Is my grammar, punctuation, and spelling correct?

- Have I left out my personal views and ideas?

- Does my summary “hang together”? Does it flow when I read it aloud?

- Have someone else read it. Does the summary give them the central

ideas of the article?

Write Your Final Draft.
Source :http://www.sdc.uwo.ca/writing/handouts/Summary%20Writing.pdf

miércoles, 1 de septiembre de 2010

How to create blogs!!!

Hello everybody,

New things sometimes are hard when we are not used to them, and have no idea on how to apply them to our context in teaching languages. If you have problems when creating your blog, follow the link and read the manual.

"how to create blogs"  (in Spanish)