Welcome to CALL !

Hello everybody, I have created this blog in which you will find some samples of work you can do using different tools on the web.

In addition, you are ask to create your own blog and upload your projects. Your blog will be your electronic portfolio for the course.

Don't forget to check the "students" section and become one of the followers of the blog.

Datos personales

viernes, 29 de octubre de 2010

miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010


You are to design a treasure hunt and a hotlist using the tool  Filamentality.

Please keep up with the good work, do not wait until the last minute to upload your blog.  Everything you do in your blogspace will be consider for your final grade.
In addition, when uploading make sure you include a description of task.

Teachers are people!!!


Click to get cool Animations for your MySpace profile
MySpace Codes!

my treasure hunt!! check it out
Click to get cool Animations for your MySpace profile

Free MySpace Animations!

Helloooooooo you like my monkey?

viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010

Click to get cool Animations for your MySpace profile
MySpace Layouts!
Just to remind you of the activities you are to send to my email and upload to your blog. 
  1. Evaluation of five websites; include
    Goals, Presentation, Appropriateness, Outcomes, Evaluation and Notes
  2. Design three activities in which you promote collaboration and communication among your students.
  3. A summary, choose a topic of unit 2.
  4. Design a wiki, and send an invitation to your classmates. 

Click to get cool Animations for your MySpace profile
Free MySpace Animations!

Good WebSite for ESL students

Guidelines for Designing a Good Web Site for ESL Students

Charles Kelly
Aichi Institute of Technology (Toyota, Japan)
This is a list of points that should be considered when designing a web site. Many of these are points that should be considered when developing any web site, some points are directed at any teacher developing educational web pages, and some points are specifically aimed at teachers of English as a Second Language.
While reading this list of guidelines, keep the following in mind.

From a visitor's point of view, a good web site is one that...
  • ...is usable
  • ...has something he/she wants
  • ...doesn't waste his/her time and
  • ...isn't irritating.

A Quick Overview

  1. Make your site usable by everyone if possible.
    Don't unnecessarily do things that limit the number of people that can benefit from your site.
  2. Make your site as fast as possible.
    This not only makes your site more enjoyable to use, but also allows those with expensive and/or slow Internet connections to use your site.
  3. Make your site easy to use.
    Make it uncluttered, easy to navigate and easy to read.
  4. Make your site useful.
    Create a site that fills a need.
  5. Maintain Integrity. Be Professional.
    Be honest. Offer what you claim to offer. Check your spelling.
  6. Make your site friendly and fun to use.
    Make your site as attractive and fun as you can without making it slow.
  7. Use "cutting edge technology" wisely and effectively.
    Use it when it's the best way to do something, but don't annoy visitors with "cute" stuff.
  8. Remember that what you think is true may not be true.
    Some possible misconceptions.
  9. Should I really worry about the minority who use less powerful computers, use older browsers and have slow Internet access?

miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010

WIKI Homework

green ghostYou gave great presentations on wikis last class, now is time to apply that tool and make the most of it.
I invite you to create your own wikispace and think of a collaborative project. Make sure you invite your classmates to participate  (myself included) . If you are interested in using the tool with your class,  upload the site to your blog, in that way I would be able to visit it.
Enjoy the activity

domingo, 17 de octubre de 2010


Hello everybody, please be prepare and bring with you your laptops for the class.  We are to research about Wikis, uses in EFL classroom. 
In class, you are to work in pairs and share your findings on Wikis.  You will give a short presentation.
So long!!

sábado, 2 de octubre de 2010

Voice recording tools for language learning

   Audacity is free and simple to use. Audacity is a downloadable program for your PC. It is a simple yet powerful audio recording and editing studio.
   Voki is a creative voice recording tool to create speaking avatars. It offers multiple customization options. Registration is needed and you get an embeddable widget in various sizes and colours. With Voki you also have a text to speech option.
Audiopal is another very simple voice recording tool. Again no registration needed, You just need to provide an email to pick up your small embeddable widget to put on your blog, wiki or website
Voicethread  is a tool to build conversations around images, videos or documents.
Registration is needed and you get an embeddable widget which you can add to any blog, wiki or website.

source: Vicky Saumell